Sunday 4 November 2018

You to me

Admiral of the Humber hotel room, Hull, 04/11/18

You to me are like cheese and pickle sandwiches
Like strawberry yogurt
Like battenburg cake
Like builder’s tea or strong coffee made in my Tony Benn mug

You to me are like pints in a pub
Like a single decker bus
Like music that’s acoustic
Like sitting by a fire pit and watching the flames spit

You to me are like a bright summer’s day
Like a walk along a causeway
Like a giggle in a park
Like breaking into dance in the middle of town for no reason whatsoever

You to me are like double rainbows
Like cycling past hedgerows
Like church bells ringing
Like suddenly singing random lyrics sparked by an innocent word

You to me are like a flock of geese calling
Like waves rising and falling
Like clouds wandering
Like a canal boat in its mooring having meandered most of the day

You to me are like all the things I’ve discovered and never got bored of
The things recovered and been restored by God
The things I love and make me feel known
You to me are home

Monday 23 July 2018

Pilgrim Clouds

Beverley, Mon 23rd July 2018

Clouds travel the sky
Like floating pilgrims,
Not pushy or driven
Or having something to prove.
They just move, effortlessly,
Serenely free
And full of grace.
The shapes they make can be
Whatever they want to be:
Sharp moments of majesty
Or muddles of mist,
They never insist
On being any one thing.
They dance and then they sing
And then they scatter
And it doesn’t matter.
Their’s is the whole wealth of the sky
An endless playground
To discover
One day after the other,
After the other, after the other,
After the other, after the other….

Sunday 15 July 2018

I am lovestruck

Hull, 15/07/18

I am lovestruck, dumbstruck
Stuck to find the words
To really say all I’m feeling,
All that’s reeling inside.

For years part of me has lived life
Like a frightened wild animal
But lately there’s been a feeling
Of safety.
And of love.
The unexpected presence
Of another wild animal
Protective and strong.
The one for whom
My heart has longed.

A warrior among creatures
His features are kind and rugged
And fierce.
Just one look
Pierces my heart.
Battered by battles
He wears his scars
Without blame or stain.
So much courage
Held in his mighty frame.

The effect of just resting
On his neck
Is like a homecoming.
And all the soul numbing,
The playing things down
The needing to be careful,
The wariness
And the weariness
Come tumbling down.
It’s alright.
There’s no need to hide
Beside him.

And all the brave things,
The beautiful things.
The brilliant things
Inside, rise.
In the gaze of his eyes
I am free.
Free to love
Free to be
Free to give
All of me.

Saturday 9 June 2018

The Perfect Storm

Matt's House, Boulevard, Hull, June 2018

I thought I’d done this.
I thought I’d already done this,
Twenty years ago, ten years, four,
I’ve been here before.
I thought those times
Of ground giving way
And all the falling
Had been enough.
Would be enough by now.
All the brave work had been done.
The walking into the fury
And letting it do its thing.

But still it persists.
This crashing down
All this crying, crying, crying.
These griefs still making themselves known,
Crawling out of crevasses
And suddenly looming large,
Taking up space.
These weird jack-in-the-box moments
When the least likely thing
Triggers a memory
And then PING! out it all comes,
Displacing time as if it’s now,
As if it’s all happening now.
And all those locked-up feelings
Are screaming.

I can feel the strain of it all
When I touch my arm
Like the blood underneath is fizzing
Like there’s an electrical current
Quietly whizzing round me.
I’m walking around raw
Wanting nothing more
Than to ignore what’s happening
And just do what I’ve always done,
Get on.
Side-step it all by spinning into activity
Or lying low til I can gather
Enough strength and guile
To get out there again
And grit it out.

Always this feeling of exposure
Of not being protected
Of having to stand alone
Not knowing, really, where’s home.
So easier to keep moving,
Safer not to keep still.
Less painful by far
To remain unsettled
To not stop
Not let the guard drop
To stay on top
And just let the smiley me be seen
The likeable, laughable
Lovely to be around, me.

But the perfect storm has hit, it seems
And there’s no way out of it.
All I can do is weather the waves
And just walk straight into it.
Straight into the fury and the fears,
All the unwept tears
And revel in it.
Why not?
Why not rail at it spectacularly?
Why not just abandon myself to it
And let it do its thing.

To be continued………….

Friday 8 June 2018

Crawling out the wreckage

Matt’s House, June 2018

I’m crawling out of the wreckage
Of all the lies and put-downs,
The heavy expectations
All the plans thwarted
And dreams exploited
All the disappointments
The romantic non-starters
The complete disasters.
The hopes deferred and then deferred
And then deferred.
All the times when I’ve not been heard.
And I’m crawling out of the wreckage,
Free as a bird.

Falling from the sky

Selby St, Hull, 8th June 2018

Before this there was a falling of sorts.
An awareness of things unravelling
But it was slow, most of the time,
And manageable.
Occasionally there’d be sudden plummets,
Times when the pace and stress of life
Would knock me out of the sky
But usually I’d lay low for a while,
Not let on, write, sleep,
Wait for it to pass,
And then rise again.
Glad to feel the wind against my skin
And be swooping once more with the flock.

This time there’s nothing manageable about it
No easy method to wait it out
No staying power in the sky
Nothing that seems to be holding me
Or energy to hold myself.

Friday 11 May 2018

I said to God the other day

Matt's House, Boulevard, Hull, May 2018

I said to God the other day:
“You’re not enough.”
And He said
And I could feel His heavenly relief,
Sense His smile spreading,
its gentle joy tickling me forward,
tickling me out of a stuck space –
the “me and God against the world” space,
the hidden habitat of a fear-based holiness.

I said to God the other day:
“You’re not enough.”
And She said
And then She took my hand
and started dancing.
And soon it was Mother, Son, Spirit and me -
me and this rowdy Trinity,
unrestrained, impolite, fearless, free.

I said to God the other day:
“You’re not enough.”
And They said
And then slapped my back, raised a glass,
threw bread like confetti,
flung open the door of that still small space
and we tumbled out
into the land of the living
Like wild things among wild things.